Monday, June 2, 2008

Our Story

2 years ago, my husband and I got married. We received tons of presents and made many purchases of things we needed to furnish our apartment. My husband, Adam, moved into the apartment a month before we got married. The apartment was very dirty, but we cleaned it up and moved all of our stuff in.

About 2 weeks after returning home from our honeymoon, Adam got very sick. He started having hives on his legs. As time went on, his hives got worse. After a month, he had hives from head to toe. His hives were very deep, and sometimes his hives would even go down his throat blocking his airways. He also had stretch marks appear on his inner thigh for no apparent reason. I had bad migraine headaches, and a cold that never seemed to go away. I also had the strange stretch marks appear on my inner thighs as well. Both of us also suffered from memory loss.

We tried everything to get his hives to go away...but they wouldn't. To make a very long story short, we finally tested our apartment for meth. The results came back positive. We were homeless, and we had nothing. Even the clothes on our back had to be thrown out.

Even after moving out of the apartment, we still were sick, and our symptoms were not getting any better. Today, 2 years later, I think we are finally over this, but it took a lot of time and dedication to get our lives back to normal.

I am dedicating this blog for those who are in a similar situation and need help. After our apartment was tested positive, there was no place to go to for help. Even today there is no help for people in this situation.

How we got better:

First of all, I want to say that it is very important to throw out everything after you find out that your living area is contaminated. We were told that we could clean things made of plastic, glass, and our clothes. We tried to save items made of these materials, but these items never really were clean afterwards, especially our clothes. Clothes are impossible to save, even though you may have been told otherwise. It is not worth staying sick because of your clothes!

After we threw out everything, we purchased a sauna and put it in the basement of our new house. We bought the book, "Clear Body Clear Mind" by Ron Hubbard. We did this cleanse to a T. The cleanse was miserable, and very very hard, but we got through it. We stained towels purple, black, and yellow from the toxins that came out of our body from the meth. This cleanse lasted 6 weeks and we were in the sauna for 5-6 hours a day.

We did this cleanse after we had stayed sick for almost 2 years. The problems from being exposed to meth does not go away, it only gets worse. Please share your story and how you got better so we can help other people in this situation.


Rachel and Todd said...

That is so scary!! I'm afraid of getting into a moldy house/apt., but I haven't even thought about a meth house! I'll remember to test for meth the next time I move. Thanks!

Momila said...

I am in a weird situation..the house west of me has been a meth house, yest becasue it's a rental nobody ever cleans it up. Just over thsi w/e a young couple moved in...she's 2 months pregnant. I am so sick at heart knowing what I know and yet not knowing what to do...I am thinking of purchasing a meth test kit and anonymously giving it to them. Let the know what has gone on in this house. Worst case, the house is finally shut down...even worse case...they don't test and she spends the next 7 months living in this house. I have to do something....thansk for your post and best wishes to you with your beautiful baby.